Gateway Drugs
MacGyver came on everyday at 4 pm, I was confident this man had transcended to a higher plane of self actualization with only a Swiss Army knife. Inspired is an understatement. “Inventions”, booby traps, kinetic art, and more were on the menu.If it had screws and I got my ‘lil fingies on it, it was deconstructed. Piece-by-piece, bit-by-bit. VCRs, telescopes, cameras - the vast majority never recovered. I was a destructive force, entropy in action, not to be left alone with my curiosity and a Phillips head screwdriver.
I got my first guitar in middle school, a red Ibanez Talman with lipstick pickups which I sold like any good teenage dummy to get something cool and metal - I was gonna learn to shred (reader, he did not.) I enjoyed an illustrious music career through high school in bands that played almost exclusively in garages. In college I got serious about my future and went to art school... in Alabama. Turns out I love(d) it. All the best weirdos were there - we had access to shops of tools and supplies. We made things. We put things on primer, white pedestals, and walls and people looked at them. Glorious.
Some many many years later, feeling burned out from a corporate life that nobody really dreams about, I felt the need to take things apart again, learn what made them sing, and create things that could go on pedestal. I got my Philips head and opened up a Blues Driver.
And so, Whitman Audio was born. It's my playground for exploring, learning, designing, and building little boxes. I hope you might find the same joy of exploration using them that I do making them.
- Whitman